
Jesus on the cross
Jesus on the cross

He looked for someone who could lead the people out of the vicious circle of sinning and forgiveness. His longing was to have communion with people and to save them. God hated this frightful state of affairs. Not even the high priest could help them he himself was a sinner, and the sacrifice was for himself just as much as for the people. After their sins were forgiven, the people continued to sin, meaning that they had to come back and sacrifice again, year after year. However, the blood of animals couldn’t take away the root cause of the problem, the sin in human nature. Through the spilling of the blood of an innocent sacrifice, the debt of sin could be paid. Once a year the high priest could enter the Holiest of Holies, carrying the blood of the sacrifice, and obtain atonement for the people. God, in His longsuffering, gave people a chance: by sacrificing an animal without blemish, the people could get forgiveness. Anyone passing that veil would die instantly, as no sin could stand in the presence of God. (Romans 5:12) In the temple, the symbolic house of God on earth, a large, thick veil hung in front of the Holiest of Holies, symbolizing the sin in the flesh that separated people from God. In other words, all people were guilty, and Satan could use this as a letter of accusation against them, demanding that they should die. In fact, even the best of them usually sinned daily in thought, word and deed. Unfortunately, people were incredibly weak and not one person ever managed to keep pure from sin. To help His people stay on the right path, God gave them laws that spelled out His will for them. If we follow this inclination, for example when we are tempted, we commit sin. This “sin in the flesh” is not guilt for committed sins, but a strong inclination to do our own will rather than God’s. The sin that entered Adam and Eve’s nature was passed on to all their descendants. (Ephesians 2:1) Sin had entered the world, which was cursed, and all living creatures also had to die a physical death. Spiritually speaking, they were dead in their trespasses and sins. This sin came between them and God like a veil, separating them from the source of life. When Satan with his wiles managed to deceive Eve, and in turn Adam to disobedience, sin entered into their nature. (Genesis 2:17 Romans 6:23) Sin separates us from God From the beginning God made it clear that sin will lead to death. (1 John 1:5) God’s antithesis is Satan, whose realm is darkness and sin. God is the source of life He is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.

Jesus on the cross