
Aim lab shroud
Aim lab shroud

aim lab shroud

Also they should have more maps, mostly because a small grid for a room and large islnd get's boring after a while. Talking about geting sued, they have the names of various games at the start of the game which will change the sensitivity, brightness, ect., but they use names such as PUBG, Fortnite, R6S, Realm Royale, Overwatch, ect., you, if you've gotten this far and know about PUBG sueing every battle royale, know that puting PUBG's name in said game is a bad idea as in the slightest chance that Aim Lab even got permission to use all of the names in the game, then shoulden't they also be able to use the guns from said game? (Going back to variety of guns).

aim lab shroud aim lab shroud

Also, they have a mode in the game in sandbox where you can kill the bots and it has a few striking detalis, as in the top right corner they show how many "people" are alive, just like in every battle royale game ever, just pointing that out there to the Dev.'s so they dont get sued. Even then, some of the guns dont actually inflict damage so then you will have to exit to the main menu, pick a gun with not much of a variety, go back into the mode and challenge, ect., and do it all again, long story short, they should let you be able to switch guns in game.

#Aim lab shroud download

It takes 5000 rounds to kill a bot from far away because thier bullet sponges, like seriously, download this game and try to kill a bot from a distance it's near impossibe, esspecially when thier moving every 5 seconds, so they need to either raise the damage inflicted by ech gun or lower the health of the bots. Also, I feel that they should have different attachments for different guns, mostly because if your like me and only really like to kill the bot's in sandbox mode, then getting a long shot would be difficult because the scopes dont really aim that far, as I found out it's more effective to not aim because of the giant red dot in the center of the screen mostly because the bots move like sonic then you shoot them and they o so of a sunddenly become flash while your trying to take a longshot because you can kill the bot because it's taken 50 rounds to the head which moves me on to my next point. This game is fun for "honing" your shooting skills in game, but it's not really that fun if it dosen't have much of a variety of guns, for example, in the game they only have two shotguns, a modern looking shotgun, and a tactical, all i'm saying is that the Dev.'s should get a book about guns, and then put those guns in the game, including the old guns such as a Rifle from the early 1800's or something like that.

Aim lab shroud